E-Bike Service
We provide top-tier services to E-bikes, and ensure that your bike is safe to ride for many more miles. We specialize in the following bikes:
- Aventon E-bikes
- Yamaha Power Assist Bicycles
- Himiway E-bikes
- Rad Power Bikes

Importance of E-bike Servicing

Owning a new E-Bike is quite an amazing feeling. The options that electric assist peddling has to offer is almost unlimited. People are now using E-Bikes for golfing, camping and hunting! The thrill of re-discovering biking in a whole new way leads to many enjoyable miles on your electric bike. This of course will lead to some necessary maintenance and repairs for your new found joy. Depending on your riding style and time in the saddle you will need maintenance at least twice a year for your electric bike. Every 3 to 4 months if you ride regularly year around. Providing regularly scheduled maintenance and keeping an eye on the different systems your E-Bike has, will prove to save you money over time and prevent breakdowns on the trail. We recommend that you always start each ride by checking these items before you go;
- Make sure the tires are properly inflated.
- Check that the brakes work as they should and are adjusted for reliable use.
- Make sure all handlebar bolts are tight, as well as front wheel
- Turn on the E-bike and check that the lights are working and the instrument panel is on.
- Put on and adjust your helmet for a firm fit.
- Always remember to relax and have FUN!
Here at E-Bike Sales and Rental, we service all brands of electric bikes if it’s simple chain-cleaning or service, however if there is an electrical issue or it requires a part we don’t have on hand, we stick with the brands we carry. In particular, we carry Aventon, Yamaha and Himiway brands. We provide full service bicycle maintenance including tires, wheels, saddles, hub replacement, wheel building, brake bleeds and motor replacement. We take pride in maintaining our customers’ bicycles so they can enjoy carefree riding for years to come.
Call today (719-219-5702) to schedule your next maintenance for service with Caleb or Sam, we look forward to meeting you in person and maintaining your E-Bike!

E-bike Service List
E-Bike Assembly
Miscellaneous services
E-bike shipping return
Adjust derailleur
Wheels Trued
Tire Service
Brake Service
Controller Replacement
Chain Clean/Lube
Motor Replacement
E-Bike Tune-up & Safety Check
For all your e-bike tune-ups to keep the bike rolling.
- Torque all hardware to factory specification
- Inspect frame for wear
- Inspect electrical components
- Clean/Lube chain and cassette
- Inflate tires to spec
- Inspect brakes
- Adjust derailleur